Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas Hope

Merry Christmas to all and I mean all. Christmas for christians is about the birth of Jesus our Lord and Savior. For others I hope what they take from Christmas is hope. Hope that tomorrow things will be better. Hope for a better life. Hope for peace. Hope for happiness.

I always say, "keep hope alive".

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Health Care, all in

I am not in favor of the President's new health care agenda because in the end I do not believe it will work but I have 3 statements.

1. If our health care system is in such shambles that we have to fix it now why do the people who need it have to wait until 2013 to get the health care that they so desperately need. 

2. Like I said I am not in favor of what they want to do but I say let them get what they want like they want it. If it works great. If it does not we know who to blame and we can vote them out of office.  

3. What we do not need is a watered down bill that will most certainly not accomplish anything for the people who really need health care. 

Monday, November 9, 2009

There is a plan

There is a plan. There must be because congress is hell bent on passing health care reform that probably will not reform health care. The talk is that something is better than nothing. Congress must do this now or what? I wish I knew.

I am all for people having access to health care but we should make sure that all of us have a stake in it and we all pay for it. If you get something for "FREE" that someone else pays for is it really "FREE" and will it be good. Will it be good enough for the President and Congress to drop their
health care and accept the Public Option as if it is really an option. For someone who does not have health insurance why do they call it an option.

I feel we will get what we deserve. There will be a ruling class and everyone else. If I hear one more person call me an ordinary citizen I will scream. Last I looked we are all the same.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize Winner is the President

What is there to say except he is in good company. President Jimmy Carter (middle east peace work), we are still trying to resolve that. Vice President Al Gore (A movie about Climate Change, global warming, and how man is responsible for it), what an ego to think that man has created this huge issue if it is an issue and then man has the ability to fix it. Last I looked whenever man has interjected himself into changing mother nature there are always disastrous unintended consequences.

Congratulation to President Obama. I hope and I hope that he can live up to what the world thinks he can do, our country and the world as we know it may depend on it.

Book Of JoJo

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Miracles, safety and control

I am reminded of a line in a film called “Miracle at St. Anna”, from the book by James McBride. The line says it all when it comes to what happens to people and nations when we have it too easy. We concern ourselves with many things that we can not control. Here is the line paraphrased.

“There is no control in life…wherever you go, wherever you hide, there’s risk… People pay for control (seat belts, safety devices, and so forth) even when they have none. Safety is the greatest risk of all, because safety leaves no room for miracles, and miracles are the only sure thing in life.”

Book of JoJo

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Saints Game vs MIami

My wife noticed a young lady walking up the steps with a Saint's jersey with double zero and my last name on the back. I got her attention by hollering my name. She turned toward me and I yelled hey that is my name too. She hollered back with her arms open saying, "I'm not married" and she walked off. What did she mean?

Monday, August 31, 2009

Who will read this?

I have things to say even if no one reads it.

The Health Care debate

The real issue on Health Care is not whether we need health care reform it is how.

It use to be that we would recognize a problem and we would discuss it. We may disagree
on how to resolve it but at least we agreed that there was a problem.

Now when people disagree on how to resolve an issue they call each other names rather then debate the actual issue. The American people seem to believe the set of facts that their ideology leans them towards. What the real facts are is very hard to determine. It is all smoke and mirrors on both sides of this argument and for the most part the media just reports what it hears.

Implementation of any proposal and the unintended consequences of health care reform are what I am worried about the most.

I am against any proposal that would create another bureaucracy like the IRS that will have commissioners deciding our fate and promulgating rules w/o congressional over site. I have heard the comment that we already have that and while that may be true it does not mean we need another layer of it.

Check out one flavor of the bill at:

Do a find for "Commissioner", you will find 100.

Title of Bill

H.R.3200 - America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009

To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Black Holes

Did you know that they will creating mini black holes at CERN? There hope is that through studying the creation and death of a black hole they will be able to ascertain how the big bang started. The operative word here is the death of the black hole because if the mini black hole grows we could get sucked into it. I will go with Stephen Hawking on this and agree that the black holes will go away as fast as they start. He is truly a great mind.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What can we do?

Did you ever have to reload your operating system of your computer? Once that was done it ran faster and more efficiently did it not.

Could this be done with our government? Probably not.

What can we do?

Step 1. "WE" all must stop calling people names. Once you call someone a racist, or a nazi, or anything derogatory, can there really be a frank discussion of issues?

Tell me what someone has said is wrong, why it is wrong and then back it up. Your opinion that this person is an idiot is not relevant.

The book of JoJo

Monday, August 24, 2009

Weight gain and loss

The world (Earth) always maintains the same weight except for the occasional meteor and when we we send junk into space. When we applaud someone's weight loss just remember, for the world to remain in balance someone else has gained it. The book of JoJo