Monday, February 22, 2010

Faith is a Journey (Part 2)

I told you I would update you on the Journey of faith and I apologize if this is preachy. Around the same time that this young man told me about the book "The end of Faith", I was re-writing some verses of a song that I really like but as written it could not be sung in church. The last verse as I changed it sums up what I think of the aforementioned book.

Well maybe there is a God above
But faith and hope has taught me to
That Love alone will not get you through
It's not a cry that you hear at night
Somebody has seen the light
Life is a journey, a journey of faith
and it is always Hallelujah

Monday, February 15, 2010

The beginnings of Faith

I worked this past weekend during Mardi Gras at our church. We actually sell bathroom passes during Mardi Gras for parade goers. The middle and high school kids work to clean the portolets after each use. The money we make is used to subsidize the misssion work we do over the summer.

A young college age man took time before going into the bath room to ask me about what we do with the money and the mission work we do. We had a nice conversation. Then he told me I should read a book entitled " The End of Faith" by Sam Harris. I am going to read the book and I will get back to you when I do. However, I believe the author completely misunderstands faith.

Life is all we have
Faith is where we live
We must always keep hope alive
Where would we be without dreams