Monday, March 22, 2010

Something good about Health Care

I was not in favor of this new Health Care bill but if it becomes the law of the land we should try and find something good about it. I am an optimist so if anyone is reading this blog please send in what you know to be good and true about this bill. I want to compile a list.

I think the preexisting condition part is good but it could bankrupt the insurance company or they will have to pass on the cost to the healthy insured. My insurance company through my employer accepts preexisting conditions because they are getting a pool of healthy people and some sick people. So even so this sounds like a good thing it is probably not.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Where Woman came from

Genesis 2:4-25 Where it is written that Adam named his newly created partner "Woman". That is not exactly how it happened. God made Eve from Adam's rib. When Adam first saw her he was excited and he approached her with let us say enthusiasm. Eve put her hand up in front to stop Adam and said, "Wo Man". The term stuck.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Ghost Breakers 1940 movie, best lines ever

I just watched a movie tonight entitled "The Ghost Breakers" 1940 starring Bob Hope. Best lines ever.

Geoff (Richard Carlson) is explaining to Mary (Paulette Goddard) what a zombie is. "When a person dies, a certain voodoo priest has the power to bring him back to life. It's worst than horrible. A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes walking around blindly with dead eyes, following orders, not knowing what they do, not caring". Bob Hope's character Larry chimes in, " You mean like democrats".

Rent it, watch it, live it.